Get ALL families loaded in a project

Good morning,
is there a way with OOTB nodes to get ALL loaded families.
Family and FamilySymbol in Element Types will miss systems like Filled Regions for example.

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I use this button! I am not sure if symbols or hatches are included

Dont think its possible to crap systemfamilies this way, think here you will need example "ductype and then all elements

Loaded Families is a loaded term here, as you don’t load a system family as they are internally defined in the file.

I think that with Python you could use a filtered element collector, along the lines of elementCollector = FilteredElementCollector( doc ).WhereElementIsElementType().ToElements()

The required imports and such would have to be defined correctly as well. This code base could be a good start: dynamoPython/ at master · Amoursol/dynamoPython · GitHub

The line to edit is line 32/33.

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