I am very new in Dynamo world!
I was browsing a lot in this Forum an found (and used) some practical Python Nodes for getting all Categories and Subcategories from a Revit Project but after couple of runs the results od the Node “AllCategories in Project” ist GONE(?) and any further Nodes doesn’t work. I cannot even join and sort lists… So please, help!
I need to export all Categories and Subcategories from active Project into Exel file which I want to use later as a DWG Export Template.
What i didn’t manage (and have no idea how to) is to get two Colums in Excel (similar to Export Template). Maybe i should go for TXT with Tabstopps first… But this bothers me not so much.
First, thank You for your response. Now i can format the code properly!
I looked at the packages and found out that i have DynamoIronPython3 installed.
What i can see is also DynamoIronPython2.7 which is not installed but has a newer date.
Do you know why is that? Should i install both?
Do you know whats the difference between IronPython3 and CPython3?
I’ve installed Data-Shapes and will try it out.
I couldn’t find Archilab in search, i suppose i have to look for it in Web.
I have installed Data Shapes and Archilab. Also DynamoIronPython2.7.
I tried both Nodes (Archilab and Data-Shapes) but i get nothing:/
I had to migrate one Python Skript in Categories list to CPython3
(otherwise you get an Error Notification) but it still doesn’t work.
The Custom Node “AllCategoriesInProject” (which after couple of runs stops working) ist the first Node in a Script and its input data comes from Revit Project. Therefore I think the Problem ist not wirth an input in Dynamo. But maybe I am wrong.
Sadly i do not have admin rights to install the openpyxl.
I will check it with our IT department and keep you updated.
Export to Excel via Python look very promising! I would definitely like to do that!
Thanks, I’ve tried your script but looks kind of strange…
Previously I’ve had 373 objects (categories) and your skript found 1119…
I think there my by some doubles.
Also some of them do not really get a proper name: “Autodesk.Revit.DB.Cat”