Does anybody by chance know a node/package/way to get the geometry of openings created in Revit, other than extracting by hand the informations through the parameters ?
Basically, I have a set of surfaces on Dynamo that represent (in a way) Revit objects, and I want to cut openings in the surfaces after operating on them (so I cannot simply intersect the surfaces with the imported geometry on Dynamo).
Aren’t Bounding Box supposed to be aligned with the reference axis ? I mean, say that a have a wall that isn’t aligned with either the x axis nor the y axis and that one opening is situated on that wall. By using the Element.BoundingBox and the BoundingBox.toCuboid nodes, wouldn’t I get a solid that isn’t aligned with the initial element neutral axis ?
Maybe I can workout a graph to rotate the opening, create the BoundingBox and the Cuboid, and then rotate back the Cuboid… I think I already saw something like that on the forum, I better go get a look again.