There goes that theory…
I’ve tried in Sandbox as well and have the same “issue”
Which leads me to think the underlying use of polysurface.byloft is pulling on some other resource… hmm
It is the last curve that screws up the process…
Lofting only the bottom polycurve with the upper curve shows the problem…
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Ok, so is there any solution of my problem? I don’t want to change geometry of this object and I would like to improve it as simplest as it is possible.
Ok, I installed Revit 2017 and opened my file through Dynamo 1.3.3 in Revit. Stadium in Dynamo looks good but in Revit I have something like that (below). Does somebody has any idea what I have to do now?
the units of your model seem like they might be different.
Ok, but even if I put node “Geometry.Scale” in Dynamo, still I see those squares and rectangles. Is there any function which can hide this? Besides when I open my model in Dynamo through Revit it works really slow. Is there any solution how I can speed up?
you should be able to hide the dynamo geometry preview in revit under view/backgroundPreviews menu items - it’s something similar to that.
Does somebody know where I can exactly find this function?
Ok. I deal with it, but now I would like to add some materials to my model which I have in Revit. How I can do this?