I’ve had a look around but not been able to locate a answer to this with good old Google and Forum Searches.
Basically I am using Genius Loci’s “3DView by BoundingBox” to generate 3D Views using the Room’s geometry. I have this working so my question is this :
Is there a way for me to add some form of offset to the bounding box so it goes beyond the size of the room?
Extract the corners from the origin bounding box (red), create a vector using them, offset by your desired amount then recreate the new bounding box (green)
I have run more tests on this script and this script only works where there is only one set of Room geometry data, which makes sense looking back at it.
I did manage to resolve this by creating the nodes within the blue group, into a new custom node. That then allowed the data to flow through as a list and retain its order and structure. (just in case someone else tries to recreate this!)