Hi all, am creating a generative design script for placing joist as per sheathing location. The script runs successfully in dynamo. But when iam creating it as a study, its showing same output for every variable. I have checked for any failure in output with changing variable. but at every instance its works perfectly in dynamo. can you please help me with this problem? @jacob.small I have attached problem image , script and sample model here.
pairup.dyf (6.0 KB)
Assembly_Sheet_Creation_03.dyn (316.6 KB)
Joist_Layout.rvt (5.2 MB)
First problem: 2021. Move onto the new stuff before your product isn’t supported (we are months away from the 1 year anniversary of the 2024 product line). I don’t even have a working version of 2021 installed to use in helping people out anymore.
Second issue I see is a lot of custom nodes which don’t necessarily sandbox themselves away from Revit. In particular the nodes Curve.FindDuplicates and Curve.DupliatesResult.UniqueCurves. The good news is these don’t have to happen between the data.Remember and Data.Gate nodes. Shifting them outside of the limit may resolve the issue.
You also have too many Data.Remember nodes on here to track issues well. Try to have one or two, and clearly located. The only nodes between the Data.Rmeember node(s) and the Data.Gate node(s) should run find in Dynamo Sandbox. Validate those two things by doing a save as, deleting (literally) the nodes beeen for the remember and after the gate.
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Thank you for the reply @jacob.small . I was able to solve almost all issues by editing in Revit 2024. The dynamo capability in 2024 is really awesome. It almost pin pointed all the issues automatically. The main problems where using revit api functionalities in evaluation stages. I just started with the generative design and it’s really awesome. May be if there are more nodes to support different logics it will be awesome.
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There is a good amount already set up, but I’m always willing to help advocate for more. If you have a needle idea for anything in particular post on the forum and I’ll advocate and direct to what is out there (where possible).