Forum Dynamo French


Is it normal that we can no longer access the French part of the Dynamo forum?

The site has been down for more than 3 weeks. It’s a shame, I found good information there and there, all is lost.

Does somebody have any information ?


est-ce normal que l’on ne puisse plus accéder à la partie française du forum Dynamo ?

Cela fait plus de 3 semaines que le site est indisponible. C’est dommage, j’y trouvais de bonnes infos et là, tout est perdu.

Quelqu’un a des infos ?

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Hi @richard.bourgoin4Y77,

I asked the site administrator the reason.
I’ll let you know.


Welcome to the broader Dynamo community @richard.bourgoin4Y77.

Not sure what issues that group is having, as it is not directly associated to the main forum so we can’t fix those issues. There is a TON of community overlap though - hopefully Alban will be able to provide an update. :crossed_fingers: