Base dynamo

Ravi de faire désormais partir de cette communauté.
je veux me lancer dans la programmation visuelle avant dynamo mais je piétine toujours. quelqu’un peut avoir de petits astuces svp voir même des tutos pour les nuls? Merci

Glad to be part of this community now.
I want to get into visual programming before dynamo but I’m still stalling. can someone have some little tips please see even tutorials for dummies? Thank you

First off, welcome to the forum!

For future reference, please keep posts in English or provide a translation as this is the “official” language of the forums and necessary for adequate search functionality.

You should be able to find tons of reference learning material here on the forums. There are a handful of good “beginner” posts to get you started as well as the Primer and other training material found under the Resources menu. These are probably the best places to start in addition to just making your way through some of the common daily posts and of course your typical training videos found on YouTube, LinkedIn, and the likes.


Merci de votre retour! Je suivrais vos conseils à la lettre. Merci encore


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Many resources are listed in the French-speaking Dynamo forum:


Thank very much to you.I will make good use of it.