I’m trying extract attributes from some blocks an organize in a specific way in excel. What’s the best way of go about when organizing the list (see image below for desired result)?
Keep in mind you have to match excel structure. Excel data is always an @L3
list. Each sublist is a row and each index of a sublist represents the column.
Pulling out the number and names to deal with first is a good idea. That’s pretty straight forward and doesn’t need any padding. Each value of user data is also its own row, so they need to be sublists as well. The user values should be in the third column, so you need to two blank items (empty strings) leading the user sublist.
That’s what i thought but I wasnt sure if there was a more straight forward way. Should I just count the values and cycle an empty item?
If they all go in column 3 then you can just add the two empties. No need to count anything.