Floor Plan, Elevations, 3D View following geometry box family


I am trying to create floor plan, elevations, 3D View that follows a family that is a box, which can be rotated in the floor plan axis, so box faces not aligned with coordinate system of the project. In other words, I am trying to generate the views that I see inside the Revit family, with its coordinate system but inside a Revit project file.

I tried those things and I am not sure how to achieve it:

  1. Create bounding box around the family geometry and create a 3d view aligned to the bounding box, it does not work because bounding box is aligned to coordinate system of the project and not to the family.

  2. Create scope box and set it to the view, it crops the view basically, but if the family is rotated and I want to rotate that scope box as well same angle than family then I get a Revit warning that says scope box and view must have parallel vertical axes, only option is Detach, so the scope box cannot be set to the view anymore.

  3. Create floor plan and rotate the viewport an angle but no idea how to rotate around the family because the family appears not inside the crop region after rotation. Not sure what would happen with the elevations

Do you need a plan view, or would a section oriented as a plan work?

If the section works, I demo’d building plans/sections/elevations/reflected ceiling plans for a complex stair design a few weeks back for the Dynamo Office Hour. Have a look: The Stairry Story - Using Dynamo for stairs in Revit - #42 - Community Conversations - YouTube.

If sections oriented as a plan don’t work, you can still use this to generate the elevations.

I want to create assembly views basically, 3D view, plan detail , elevations detail, but annoying the assembly rarely is oriented to the coordinate system of the project.

I analysed the dynamo shown as sample with the stairs of the video https://forum.dynamobim.com/uploads/short-url/pkpp8Q38st8CewhGDfpAzLbl5nT.dyn
and I find it hard to understand the part of coordination systems transforms, translation, rotation.

In this case with a simple geometry of a box should be easier?