Floor geometry spline or arc modified sub elements

I’m trying to get the surfaces of these floors but is it a limitation of dynamo that it cant get complex shapes geometry? Seems as soon as I add a spine or arc nada. Trying to make contour lines on floors with complex shapes.

Hey @vanman

Yep, complex faces caused by those curves are not friendly with the standard solid conversion methods. :thinking:

TessellatedShapeBuilder to the rescue! :ring_buoy:

  1. Get the Revit.DB Solid
  2. Convert it to a Tessellated Shape, aka Revit.DB.Mesh
  3. Convert it to a PolySurface
  4. Extract your intersects for Topo-lines

TessellatedShapeBuilder for Complex Floors.dyn (43.9 KB)


My hero Ewan! :rofl: Can’t wait to try it out!

Hmm maybe I’m trying to complex shapes but freezes my computer, not sure if just processing for a long time. Is there any way to do it with MeshTookit?

It did take a while to process when I did it, I think the conversion to Surfaces then Polysurface is taking the time. The triangulation required for multi-curved facets must be of quite the magnitude.
Send my your file and I’ll see how long it takes from my end. :+1:

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I’ve made another random one with arcs and splines as landscape usually have all sorts of creative curves. I can give it a bash after you, not sure if itll freeze if I try. Appreciate the help!

Project2.rvt (696 KB)

Had a look at it this morning.

The overhead in processing actual geometric intersections and returning surfaces was quite a lot, so I removed it.

All intersection calculations are mathematical now. Also, added some PolyCurve grouping for kicks. :sweat_smile:

Full runtime for the Project2.rvt file was 33 seconds.

TessellatedShapeBuilder for Complex Floors 4.dyn (26.3 KB)

58 seconds on my laptop :partying_face: Thanks appreciate it. Please dont have to do anymore but I wonder if it filtered to the top surface only if it’d process quicker. Or got the top surface somehow and turned it into a topo/mesh :thinking: I vaguely know what I’m saying :sweat_smile:

If you make a mesh it goes quite fast. But if you go to detail 0.5 and higher everything jumps up quite alot of slows down. Keeping below 0.5 mesh detail you can offset the curves but its average at best. Just need to figure out how to direct shape the curves into Revit or bring them in as splines. Also could be useful to try get the top mesh surface somehow as the inside lines are irrelevant.