I am trying to find a certain volume within a voided rectangle. Assume in a rectangular room there are multiple beams equally spaced out on the ceiling, I want to find out the voided volume in REVIT of the architecture model. Is there any script or code for it?
Sounds possible…
I would probably start with turning the room into a solid => getting the beam solids => either just subtrackting volume, or using the geometry difference node to actually remove the solids from the room solid.
would it be possible to trace out the contours of the voided area and finding the volume from it?
Yeah That’s basically the idea with using the geometry difference node
You get the room solid, and the solids you want to remove and the result is the room without the beams
I am no expert in dynamo not sure do you have any example code/script for it?
You have identified a use, and want to use it on a project, so it seems now is a good time to start becoming one.
Give it a shot and see where you get. Otherwise you are asking the community to guess at you project setup, guess at your environment, and guess at the desired use of the output.
Something as simple as starting the wrong Revit version can prevent the tool from being usable for you.
Review this post as well: How to get help on the Dynamo forums
is not really particular project just something could be beneficial to a lot of people and be more efficient in working