I am looking for the way to find out the view that spot elevation placed on. When I check its properties, likely workset parameter showing the view name. But when I use Getparametervaluebyname in Dynamo, it showing results of odd numbers.
Does anyone have an idea about this? Thank you for your support.
The workset parameter represents a workset element. The parameter returns the ElementId of that workset. That will not be the same as the view ElementId.
Instead, you can get the OwnerView from the spot elevation.
Thank you for your reply, I just tried with OwnerView but it doesn’t work. Might be I am using Revit 2023 so the API is different with older version. Can you teach me how can I search for the proper parameter name? Thank you
If an Element can’t be placed on a Workset, in example a Dimension, but the Element has the Workset Parameter the Parameter get the name of the View the Element is placed on.