Element Types: How to find View Type = "Elevation"?

I am using a script to place the same value on two parameters. It works fine when it comes to Plan Views but doesnt work on elevations.

The script looks like this:

The script copy the value from the “View Name” parameter to the “Detail Number” parameter. And this works fine on plan views. But when I want to use it on elevation views I can not find the Element Type for Elevations.

Does anyone have the possiblity to give me a hint on how to solve this. ( I am new in dynamo).

Sincerely Yours,

Try “View.GetByType” from the archi-lab.net package.

Your suggestion works!! Thanks alot.
All the Best,

I’m trying to filter the elevation views by type. I created a new TYPE of elevation views and there seems to be no way to filter it in. The above script does not go to that extra step. Any ideas?

You can use the ViewFamilyTypes dropdown node and the Get View By Type node.


Thank you, Alban!