Finding out if two steel parts are in-shop connected

Hi, I am looking for a way to check if two steel parts have an in-shop connection between them. I need to perform this check in a large number of parts so doing it manually is not feasible. Is there any way to check if two parts from a list are connected inside of Dynamo enviroment? for example using a python script node?

Hi Jans,

Welcome to the community! I suggest you check out our Dynamo Forum guidelines to find answers faster.

Regarding the question, I am not quite familiar with steel elements but maybe you can use Element.Parameters to check if the connected steels have a different parameter value for a specific parameter than unconnected ones.

Since this is related to advance steel we may have a bigger lift than most other topics as most of us tend to be pretty well focused on the more popular integrations (Revit and Civil 3D).

At the moment I don’t have it installed on my system, but next week I can try to take a look at it when I get back from a business trip. However I’m not an AS expert so I would need you to post a dwg with a few connections (maybe 10-15, not much more than that), with about 1/2 being shop connected. I would also need a few screenshots showing how you would confirm the connection type manually.

No promises as I’m not an expert here, but I will do what I can, and other experts on the forum will be able to weigh in easier if you provide such a starting point. :slight_smile:

Hi, here is an example file since i don’t have permissions to upload it directly onto the forum. The file contains two beam in-shop connected structures. The way i usually identified the in-shop connection is described on the Autodesk support page. This method highlights all the parts that are in shop connected with the selected one.

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