Find all instances of groups that have had something manually deleted from it?

I am wondering if this is doable? I feel there should be a way natively in Revit that would allow you to see all of the instances of groups that have had an element deleted in them. ie the Restore All Excluded shows up contextually. Alas, there is not one that I know of. So I am wondering if Dynamo could accomplish this?

Maybe its a deeper dive into the unknown of the Revit API to me but does anyone know if this even possible before I start going down the rabbit hole on company time?

As far as I know, there isn’t that type of tracking mechanism for groups within Revit or the API. You could use your own tracking mechanism. If you use Dynamo to create the group, at that time get the members and their IDs of all elements added to the group. Then later own, use Dynamo to pull the group names and members of each group and compare the current list of members to the original list of members. Then you will know what has been added and what has been removed.

I was afraid of that to be honest. Your solution seems like a good option since the ideal one doesn’t exist. Thanks for your response!

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I believe that a any group with a member excluded had the name of the instance changed. Worth looking into.