Good evening with everyone, I am starting my learning in dynamo, I am trying to make some filters based on some parameters for revit, but that these are created from an excel file, in the image shown everything works out for me with a category “pieces”, but I don’t know how to connect one more category "stairs ", I hope you can help me with this query, thanks first of all.
Hi @bryan19.ea
Welcome to Dynamo Forum!
Use List.Create node to add multiple categories and also you need to set Categories to @L2, Rules to @L1, and set Lacing to Longest to work with multiple categories.
Could you drop the relevant files? If you’re unable to drop. Send it through wetransfer.
Sure thanks for your help
Try this dyn file. If it doesn’t work then i need rvt file:
01. Creación de filtros de vista Vertical…dyn (42.7 KB)
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