Hi guys It’s probably a simple way but my brain just froze , I wanted to ask how Can I filter the points of the curves according X , y Z points, In other words I want the X points values and Y point values to be separated
Thanks a lot
Amigo @ahmadkhalaf7892 Is this??
From the output (list.flatten - var in your case) create a matrix “a”. drag out X and Y using a.X and a.Y
Hi Gilberto Thanks for the help
But I have a set of lines that Have X Y points and I want to get the X Points Separately and the Y points Separately
Place a Curve.PointAtParameter node between your desired lines and point coordinates
Amigo @ahmadkhalaf7892 , if I understand correctly you need to decompose your line in points, and then the desired points in their component X (Point.X), Y (Point.Y) and Z (Point.Z), are you sure they are not the nodes you need?
Thanks a lot Gilberto
Thanks Man this also works
tip: Try to avoid flatten command unless there are a lot of nested lists.
Hi Andreas Thanks for the help, A solution was provided by Gilberto
Thanks Christian
@ahmadkhalaf7892 More specific maybe!!
Will do Thanks a lot,but may I ask why ? it’s just to increase my knowledge not more
in your case, flatten command output (var ) is preventing you to access the ‘a’ matrix [refer my first reply].
In order to control this situation, suppose a list has minimum nested lists, better to split them and handle individually to extract the necessary outputs and later rejoin them with the unnested lists.
Appreciate the advice Thanks a lot