Hello everybody!
I’m trying to filter points from that list:
I would like to have a new list with the lowest x value for every y value.
Any ideas? Mine are over…
this might help: Lowest/Highest values
but how can I ask dynamo to select the lowest one?
What do you mean by lowest one. Are you trying to get the nearest point to other geometry?
No, I want to have list with this points:
@monika.binkowska33 If you need all last indices then all you need is “List.LastItem” node:
Wow thanks I didn’t know tkat comand Thank you!
Any tip on how to find a list of point cloud points and compare those points to the nearest modelled geometry, then colourise for compliance or tolerance, say nearest green, furthest red etc.?
I don’t think your question really relates to this (rather old…) topic so you may get told off about that (again), but here you go
PointSort.dyn (31.4 KB)
Many thanks for your reply.
I shall look at what you have posted properly a little later today.
I didn’t think it made sense to post a new post for something that relates. But maybe it is a parallel question.
Many thanks once again.
To filter by values use the “List.SortByFunction” node