Filtering List by AutoCAD Link or CAD Import

Hello Dynamo community!

I’m using Dynamo packages to report CAD instances. The Node is pretty straight forward. I can generate a list of Import/Link Instances that provide the elements IDs for AutoCAD Links and Imports within a Revit File.

It also gives a report, with a list combined of both Links/Import with certain information.

What I want to do is to filter that “Report” list, to only show Import CADs with its respective information. So if “Is Linked : False” I want that sublist to show in a final list, with the other info such as ID and Name.

Any tips?

Use List.GetItemAtIndex with list @L2 and index of 2, then String.Contains searching for either “True” or “False”. From there you can use the boolean as a mask with List.FilterByBoolMask

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Thanks for replying.

I tried your solution, but I’m getting this error:


See something wrong?

I would probably just use the OOTB String.Contains node for this, but your list input on List.GetItemAtIndex needs to be @L2


you see the little grey lines on the top side of the string.contains node? it means it is a custom node.
The OOTB version doesnt have that. You need that node


amy beat me she was quicker

OMG. Super ultra THANKS!

Didn’t know List.GetItematIndex has that feature!


@Arturo_Arbaje_Garip You’re welcome! The List@Levels feature is on most nodes! It was introduced with Dynamo 1.2 :slight_smile: here is a blog post about it:

(@Marcel_Rijsmus I’d gotten a notification since I had replied yesterday, that’s the only reason I was quick :sweat_smile: )

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Hello everybody, since the very first node CAD.ReportInstances is no longer valid in BimorphNodes, has been moved under other node and changed, how would you update the script to make it work again? Best regards,