Filter list of Family types by element.parameters

Hi there!
I believe i am so close, but, I’m getting really lost about how to filter these objects out.

My goal is to take all the families types of a category, here i have all casework families. I am trying to find which families have a specific parameter. I have some cases where the parameter exists twice!
I want to grab those families that have that parameter.

Many thanks for your help .

You could use List.TrueForAny to figure out which family has the parameter “AssetType” at least one time an then use List.FilterByBoolMask like you did.

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Test if the CountTrue results are greater than one, and then use that as the mask input to a List.FilterByBoolMask node, where the list is the result of the List.UniqueItems node where you got the family types.

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thank you both, the >= function worked well.