Filter category selection by omniclass value + Family Name

Hi All,

Please can you assist with the following filtering options.

1)When looking at the furniture category for example, I would like to filter furniture families belonging to a certain omniclass. In this example, lets say if want to filter from all furniture to only indicate beds using omniclass.

What Dynamo node should I use to pick up and filter by family omniclass?

  1. When looking at the furniture category for example, I would like to filter furniture families with a certain series number as part of the family name. eg. Fur_100_TableA.rfa, Fur_100_TableB.rfa Fur_200_ChairA.rfa, Fur_200_ChairB.rfa

How would I filter all “100” furniture families for example?



See if that helps


I can’t get “OmniClass” or “OmniClass Number” to work. It looks like it’s a special type of family parameter, and the above graph does not work with, because I tried it.

what is your Revit version @byousif ?


@byousif Are trying to access this parameter?

Please use this images as reference

Yes. I have about 200 RFAs that need this value changed often. I thought this was an easy script to make but it is not working!

The “OmniClass Number” parameter is read-only in the model environment and can only be edited in the family editor.
It has to be selected from a list in a file - maybe this is why it can’t be read or edited like other parameters?