Filter between list with different levels

I want to compare two lists but I can’t make it work.
I create a list with two (or several depending of my selection using the Data Shapes nodes) Corridor featureline names and then I want to filter out these specific corridor feature lines from a list of corridor feature lines. But I can’t make it work.
CoGoPointsAtCorridorBySampleLines.dyn (189.4 KB)
Hope my graph explains better than I do. It’s a little bit unorganized but you can find my filtering inside the green box in the middle of the graph.

Hi @patrick.ericson ,

Change it to this:

I found the solution partly thanks to you, @daan.
When you used the codeblock I realized that I could get the corridor featurelines by name and pass them in to the next node that created Polycurves from them.
It seems to work now, testing will continue