Filled Region with two loops using FilledRegion.ByCurves


I’m trying to create a filled region with two loops… one loop is inside of the other. I created one list and pluged it into the FilledRegion.ByCurve node but it creates two regions from the two loops instead of one region from the two loops. I figure it has something to do with how im managing my lists.

Hi @ZeeBee95 you could try this one here from spring

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Thanks, that works great…

I would still like to try to figure out why it wouldn’t work with the base node. But for now I’ll consider this solved.

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Can’t see what you posted as the image is insanely low resolution (use the export canvas as image function in Dynamo after zooming in to prevent this), but my gut says that the node you’re using requires a single closed loop for each hatch. As you’re feeding it two closed loops, so it’s creating two hatches.

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Yes as Jacob say, the OOTB node doesnt support multiple loops as spring, but you couuld create the 2 hatch by ootb and substract them

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