Filled Region as Floor Finish from Linked Model

@truevis helped me before to create filled regions for rooms in active model which is working perfectly.

My concern now is that i want to do that same thing from a linked model.

Here is what i have, reading through the forum, i managed to copy the rooms from linked model.

Then i try to linked the rooms to the previously created dyn by @truevis but i think it’s not that simple.

Can somebody assist me how?

Also, when i ran the code again say i have updates on the rooms from the source model, i get duplicated rooms. How can i avoid that?

Floor Finish parameter value is in the linked model.

Filled regions are in the Live model.

attached is what i have so far…

Test_FloorFinishFromLinkedModel.dyn (26.1 KB)

Had some development on this, was able to fill the room with a filled region but its not matching with the Floor Finish Parameter Value.

Test_FloorFinishFromLinkedModel_v2.dyn (38.1 KB)

any help on this please?

Hi @Revit_Noob

I don’t understand why do you want to copy rooms to create filled region if you can do this without copying rooms:

And if you want to copy rooms and create filled regions make sure you have checked “Room Bounding” inside Revit Link type:

Please mark the post as solved. You’re welcome!

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Thank @Kulkul, will try this out tomorrow

@Kulkul I have tried it just now. say i have 3 levels with 3 room and 3 types of Finish.

I’m getting 3 finish for each room in one level.
i have uploaded the video. don’t know how to capture gif sorry.

You need to filter rooms by level 1 (3 Rooms). Right now i think your getting rooms from all the levels (Level 1, 2 & 3-9 Rooms).

If that doesn’t help share your rvt file.

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Thanks @Kulkul, working properly now.

I also managed to do it one time, regardless of how many levels; not per active view.

Appreciate your help. thanks!

@Kulkul, one more question…

I tried the code in a bigger project and I’m getting an error in the FilledRegion.ByCurves node

Warning: One or more of the input types are not matching. Couldn’t find a version of ByCurves that takes arguments of type (__array,__array,__array)

How can i fix that?

Managed to solved it. Thanks.