FeatureLine.Create from polyline3d

Hi,everyone! At first, I’m soory for my poor English…
Now I want to create featureline from AutocorridorFeatureline through polyline3d.
I could create a polyline3d from AutocorridorFeatureline but couldn’t create featureline from it because of error " Argument Exception : A feature line can’t be created from the entity geometry "

Here is the code. Please correct it.

existing_names = []

featureline = None
fl_name = "法尻"

with adoc.LockDocument():
    with adoc.Database as db:
        with db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() as t:
            civilDoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument
            flColl = civilDoc.GetSitelessFeatureLineIds()
            p3dColl = Point3dCollection()
            for flId in flColl:
                fl = t.GetObject(flId,OpenMode.ForRead)
                points = fl.GetPoints(2)
            for point in points:
            polyline3d = Polyline3d()
            btr = t.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId,OpenMode.ForWrite)
            for i in range(p3dColl.Count):
                vertex = PolylineVertex3d(p3dColl[i])
            index = 0
            new_fl_name = fl_name
            while new_fl_name in existing_names:
                index += 1
                new_fl_name = f"{fl_name}{index}"
            new_fl = FeatureLine.Create(new_fl_name, polyline3d.ObjectId)
            featureline = t.GetObject(new_fl,OpenMode.ForWrite)

share example [ Dynamo file and drawing ]

Thank you for your reply!
But I found another way without python script.
I look forward to your help next time!

Can you please share the information on how you did it?

Originally, the purpose was to obtain a 2D curve using the nodes of FeatureLine.Curve2D. However, we obtained a 3DPolycurve from CorridorFeatureLine and converted it to a 2D curve.

Thanks for share