Feasibility - Ways to Assign finishing material to walls

Hello Dynamo Friends :slight_smile:

I want to create a little tool that lets a user select a wall or wall face in the model and create and assign a material to it. The materials are called from a catalogue on a server.

Only problem is IĀ“m a noob if it comes to wall layers!

Current status:

IĀ“m using these methods to get the structure and set the material to the layers.

compound_structure = wall_type.GetCompoundStructure()
layer_count = compound_structure.LayerCount
compound_structure.SetMaterialId(layer_index, material_id)


  • Are there nodes or API methods that let me select only one side of the wall and not the whole wall like IĀ“m doing it now?
  • How can I identify the finishing layers if the wall has more layers? Or how to identify if a wall has no finishing like my basic wall? Is it all just about count and index?
  • What other special cases I have to consider to make such a tool work properly?

Appreciate any advice :slight_smile:

Edit: now I see that IĀ“ll have to ask the user if he wantĀ“s to change the wall type or if he wants a new type created for the selected wall.

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Count and index is the way forward. Check out the nodes for wall layers in Clockwork for more info.


OK just using first and last index for applying the material is an easy one.

        if compound_structure is not None:
            layer_count = compound_structure.LayerCount
            for layer_index in [0,layer_count-1]:
                layer_id = compound_structure.GetMaterialId(layer_index)
                compound_structure.SetMaterialId(layer_index, material_id)

Now itĀ“s about selecting one side of the wall, IĀ“ll see what node I can find.

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Selecting one face of the wall and getting the wall from that face is also pretty easy

reference = uidoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Face, "Please select a face")
wall = doc.GetElement(reference.ElementId)

But now IĀ“m in trouble because walls donĀ“t have a back side and a front side like columns. If they did have a front side and the layer would always start from there it would all be good. But I donĀ“t see any chance to match the face with the appropriate wall side or layer :thinking:

Dynamo research tells me I could sort the faces and references but that does not help me at allā€¦I would need an ā€œIĀ“m the frontsideā€ identifier like i have it in other families like columnsā€¦

Sure they do.

There is a ā€˜flippedā€™ property which should help you get sorted, but there is also an example of finding ā€˜insideā€™ and ā€˜outsideā€™ of a wall in Clockwork if memory serves.

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It looks like I can just rely on the order of element.faces!

If index 0 is always the same face I am save.

Here 2 walls drawn in different directions.

Right - if you know the ā€˜inside to outsideā€™ order, then you can build any wall type.

If you have an instance of a type and want to add a layer on a particular side (such as adding a layer of impact resistant GWB in the garage walls) that is the where knowing which side is which comes into play.

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Perfect, everything working now.

I compare face normals to see if i have selected front or back

    options = Options()
    geometryElement = wall.get_Geometry(options)

    # Get the selected face's normal
    selected_face = doc.GetElement(reference).GetGeometryObjectFromReference(reference)
    selected_normal = get_face_normal(selected_face)

    # Iterate through the geometry to find faces
    face_index = 0
    for geometryObject in geometryElement:
        if isinstance(geometryObject, Solid):
            for face in geometryObject.Faces:
                normal = get_face_normal(face)

                # Compare normals and determine face side
                if normal.IsAlmostEqualTo(selected_normal):
                    if face_index == 0:
                        side = "back"
                    elif face_index == 1:
                        side = "front"
                face_index += 1

and then i use the side for setting the material.

        if compound_structure is not None:
            layer_count = compound_structure.LayerCount
            if side == "front":
                layer_index = 0
            elif side == "back":
                layer_index = layer_count-1

            layer_id = compound_structure.GetMaterialId(layer_index)
            compound_structure.SetMaterialId(layer_index, material_id)

Thanks for the help jacob!

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