FamilyInstance.FacingOrientation bug

Hey guys,
I´m currently working on a script to automate placing roller shutter housing familys. The script works just fine, but sometimes the orientation of the family is wrong. The weird thing is, that if you run the script in the dynamo player it gets the wrong facing orientation (see second picture) but if you run the script in dynamo you get the right orientaion (see first picture).
Do you guys know this bug and how am i able to fix it.
(the warnings on the left are only there, because i dind´t imported all the used Revit Familys)
Thanks a lot!

script with dynamo player:

script with dynamo:

orientation of window and roller shutter (after dynamo not dynamo player)

with dynamo player:

Make sure you use the Export Workspace button (top right of window) to create screenshots of your graph. It will export the entire graph (not just what’s visible on screen) so just make sure you are zoomed in enough that the node titles are visible and that you have all your node preview bubbles pinned. Right now, we can’t see any node titles to know what nodes you’re using and there’s no data preview to see what you’re actually dealing with. Also, include a screenshot (or the translated text) of any warnings or errors you are getting. Those will often tell you exactly what the issue is.

Thanks for your advise. I had trouble uploading the original screenshot because this forum only supports images up to 40 megapixels. I now split it in two screenshots. hope this helps.

You should be able to get a screenshot under 40 megapixels. Try reducing the amount of white space you have. It’s hard to follow the transition from one image to the next. If you really can’t get it down to size, then link to it via a filesharing service.

Either way, you’re still not showing us most of the node previews. We can’t tell you why you’re getting a certain value if we can’t see where those values came from.

You’re not getting any values because your X coordinate is not 0. Can you show us in your model the actual orientation? How did you confirm that it’s oriented the same way?

I deleted all of the unnecessary stuff from this script to get you a better understanding of my problem. Basically the problem is, that i get different orientations in dynamo and dynamo player and the vector in dyname player (second picture) y=1 is impossible because the wall ist oriented in y direction.

I appreciate that you have tried to ‘tell the story’ with images here, but this is a case where we can’t really help without a dataset. Case in point I can’t tell which side the shutter is supposed to be on.

The number of things which can cause facing orientation to be different from what you might expect is long enough that even I won’t bother to try and type it all out here. But things to consider:

  • Orientation of the view vs the model.
  • Linked host models
  • Transform instances of transforms
  • Groups
  • Wall modeling method
  • Window family modeling standards
  • Shutter modeling standards
  • Window flip state and methods
  • Window transforms (was something mirrored)
  • Assembly complications

To start with I suggest checking the flip state to start with, and if that doesn’t work out post a model and your graph.