Family with Solid By Union

Hello. I tried to make the Family with Solid.ByUnion. It worked. But I can not see it in Revit. If I use ImportInstance, i see it in Revit. Very interesting. The cubic part comes as a family. The pipe part doesn’t. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem? Thanks

Hard to say without the geometry itself - best guess is that you’re providing content which is over detailed for the use and Revit won’t let you build a solid of it as a result. Could also be a view setting though.

Hello @jacob.small . I will check it. Also, why is it possible that when I union solids, they do not become one piece?

Think it’s because you’re using a custom node for the union - Solid.ByUnion+. I would guess that this node is designed to not join elements which don’t touch. Try the out of the box Solid.ByUnion node.

maybe after the create list node, before the first solid.byunion node flatten the list.
or set the list lacing to @firstlevel and to longest.