Family shared parameters not populating in schedules

Hi everyone,

I have several schedules that exist in a template file, pre setup with parameters which are project parameters that have been loaded in from a shared parameter txt file.
I then have a family which I open up, create my desired shared parameters for in the family environment using dynamo, and load into my project. When I fill in the parameters for the family, nothing populates in the pre created schedules what so ever. Even if I create a new schedule I still receive no results even though the parameters are filled in for the family.
Do you perhaps have any idea what is causing this?? It’s almost as if it is creating a brand new parameter that is in no way associated to the category… or is that exactly what it is doing?


It sounds like you’re doing everything correctly. Perhaps you could post a simple example for us to look at? I presume your graph is setting the shared parameter file in the family before it tries to create them?

Maybe open up the family you’ve run the graph on, then try to add the shared parameter again manually… If it has worked correctly you wouldn’t be allowed…

Hope that’s useful,


Hi Mark,

I don’t mind sharing the Dynamo graph if that will help? For clarification what I have done is created Excel Spreadsheets equal to the amount of schedules I have in Revit, each has been filled in with the parameter name, group, type and whether or not it is an instance. Then the user would choose which spreadsheet to load in from, based on the category they are dealing with.
The reason for this is because the shared parameter txt file is very big, and we dont want people scrolling through hundreds of items looking for what they need.

I edited this graph previously to try create parameters directly from the shared txt file using the excel spreadsheets as a search database for the txt file but I get the same result.
I might be doing something very wrong, if you could point me in the right direction I would appreciate that.
I have also attached a dumy excel spreadsheet to show you the simple format.
Thank youCopyFamiliyParametersAndFormulas+SetFormulaMethod_Expanding Method 2.dyn|attachment (136.3 KB) Demo.xlsx (9.4 KB)

CopyFamiliyParametersAndFormulas+SetFormulaMethod_Expanding Method 2.dyn (136.3 KB)


So, from what I can see, your dyn does not access a shared parameter .txt file? Is that right? So it is not creating a parameter from a shared parameter… It is creating a project parameter with the same properties, unfortunately it then lacks the ‘under the hood’ connection which Revit needs to know that they are the same parameter.

If you have a look at archi-lab and genius loci, they have nodes for creating shared parameters. I use one from Orchid which definitely works inside a family. Unfortunately I don’t have a sample graph right now, but you are obviously very capable in Dynamo, so perhaps have a go and let us know how you get on? As mentioned above, the first step is to point the family to the shared parameter file in the right location.



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Hi Mark,

Yes you are right, it does not in this example. I tried using the .txt file and the Data-Shapes create shared parameter node without success, but that may be user related not node related…

Thank you for having a look and clearing that up for me I really appreciate it. I have all the packages already installed that you have mentioned so I will give those a go and I will let you know what happens here.
Again, thanks for your time Mark!

No worries, these are the nodes I was talking about…

Hi Mark,

So I gave it a try now and I can create the parameters using the node you have specified above. My issue now is that I have all of the parameters in the family loaded under the “Identity Data” section as “Text” parameters. I need the parameter types, as well as the “Grouped under” results to be what I had before. They are all also being created as instance, rather than some being type. It seems like the node is completely ignoring what I have put into it at the moment. I’m also not sure what the difference is between “Groupname” & “Group”?
Here is what I have so far…

If you can spot what I am doing wrong I would appreciate help in getting where I need to be. I am having too many “Inconsistent units” issues at the moment because they are all text :frowning:

Hi Mark,

Sorry for all the back and forth, you can ignore the post above, it seems to be working now. I just needed to reset Dynamo and Revit and the parameters are now falling into the different labels. What I am having trouble with is that when I am trying to find the parameters in the shared .txt file by feeding in the names found in the custom Excel sheet I have, I end up with a lot more parameters than I should. I should have 23 parameters but end up with 184 as seen below…

It’s saying “True” for roughly 160 parameters that are not in the Excel sheet and I cant figure out where they are coming from, any ideas?

All this aside, when I load the family back into the project and fill in some of the parameter fields, the schedules still do not populate :frowning: and this is coming straight from the shared parameter .txt file


You’re doing great, keep at it :slight_smile:

I would take a really simple example, just load 1 shared parameter into 1 family and get it to work… Then you’ll feel better about the world :slight_smile:

If that doesn’t work, everything else isn’t worth it…!

Then try 2 parameters to work out what’s up with your lacing…

10000 seems a problem, it looks like your nodes are correct, what’s the output from the .txt. node on the top left? As a different strategy I sometimes use ‘get items at indices’ rather than a boolean mask, it depends on your data structure.

Also if your graph is going a bit spaghetti monster, you might miss something simple that’s plugged in the wrong way, maybe have a tidy up, I always find that makes me feel better.

Good luck,


Hi Mark,

Thanks for the encouragement, this one is driving me a little crazy :grimacing:
Thanks for the tips, I will go back and have another look through everything and hopefully find where the issue is coming from.
One more question if you could perhaps help me would just be, is this possible?
Is it possible to take a parameter and load it into the family, then take that same parameter and load it into the project so that the schedules work, and keep the association all the way through, so that you only have one parameter to fill in in the project environment?

Thanks for your help and patience so far, you’ve been a big help! :sweat:

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Hah, no worries

Yes I think that would work, but obviously only for the first family?

I think your strategy is right, you’ll get there.



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