Family Placement According to Area/Boundaries


I am new to dynamo and just started to study it. I’m struggling on which nodes to be used.

I want to make a script where I will select the area/space then provide the distances (x and y or with z) of the family. Then, the family will fill the entire area/space with proper spacing (per input). This will be used specifically in sprinkler head layout. Or if there is another method on this kind of script, that will be alright. I will try to play around it.

Thank you in advance!

Hello @Tinaffy and welcome to the forum :wink: sounds like you are after point at surface i guess…could you show an image what you have tried…and/or try a search here in the forum and im sure you will get a lot of hits fot that kind

Hi @sovitek thanks for the welcome :grin:

Actually, I saw what I want on youtube ( but I can’t execute it. I’m having a hard time understanding the use of each nodes. I already search in this forum but can’t find the one that I need.

Btw, I saw your works on youtube and some of them would be very helpful to me. I hope you can teach or help me with the script. Providing the script will be great :smile:

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Hi @Tinaffy here is some very rough example could probably get you started, sorry i havent seen the video, will try later :wink:

Thank for these @sovitek! I will play around these scripts.

Hi there ,I saw your post and i am looking for the same did you get to anything regarding this subject

Hi, I still haven’t figure out the right script. How about you?