We have a tool that we are using that places many mass families for our building programming efforts. I am currently using the FamilyInstance.ByHostandPoint node to place the families. I am inputting the level as the host which does then assign the FIRST FLOOR level as the Work Plane (image on the left). Everything seemed to be fine, but we are noticing when trying to copy the element it won’t copy because it is not actually hosted to the level correctly. It does let you do a create similar which then sets the Work Plane as Level: FIRST FLOOR in the new family instance (image on the right). This instance then appears to work correctly. So now I need Dynamo to place the families the same way. I am trying to change to the FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel node instead and when I input the level it doesn’t assign the level at all. Any ideas for why this node wouldn’t work or other methods to get these mass families hosted to the level correctly?
Here are the nodes and inputs I am using and then what the family looks like when trying to use the ByPointAndLevel node.
Found in another post that a user tried turning off work-plane based in the family. I did that in the mass family which allowed the FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel to correctly set the level in the Work Plane parameter.
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