Exporting Grid intersections to CSV

I would like some helping solving a problem with exporting grid intersections. As you can see I managed to extract the intersections of grids and read out the coordinates of these points.

to make it better I would like to ad the Grid Name in front of the coordination in the CSV file, like this:

A1, 0.0,0.0,0.0
A2, 5.0,0.0,0.0
and so on…

can anyone help me on this issue?

Hi Daniel, Could you attached the .dyn file?

he Gui,

sure, see attachment.

Export Grids 2 CSV

Hi Daniel I have another workflow to suggest (.dyn file here ->grids to csv ): grids 2

Thanx, works great! even works with curved and diagonal Grids.

I added a Unit converter and a Math.round and it’s ready to go into the Total Station

Hi Daniel,

You can also try this,


These responses are great. I am wondering has anyone made a script that works for getting grid intersects of grid lines that are not orthogonal?

Is the Grids.DividebyOrientation in version v1? Or has something replaced it. I can’t seem to find it.

@Jay_Polding I asked the same question in this thread: Curve - Curve Intersection
It is probably one of his own custom nodes. I eventually did it like this: (The definition is attached below the screenshot)

gridIntersectionToCSV.dyn (25.8 KB)

That worked, thanks!

Kulkul, perhaps this forums fastest responder, is temporarily out of action due to login trouble. He asked me to pass this on this message:

Grids.DividebyOrientation is from pronubim package


Thanks Einar for passing my message. Some correction here It is from “Prorubim Pacakge” not pronubim. Below are the details:

My wrinkle is, what if I wanted to compare the same from the linked Structural file & or from any other discipline to make sure they have updated all changes? A way to validate Grids are “apples-to-apples”. A way so I won’t have to open the link separately, but by selecting “Links” as well?