I wish to export detail lines from Dynamo to Revit with a certain line style. All I found was either the simple export node DetailLine.FromCurve (which has no line style) or a way to change the line style of existing Revit lines.
Goal: Exporting curves from Dynamo to Revit model lines with specific line style.
The picture above (most recent) shows how I am able to export the lines from Dynamo to Revit, and this works fine. The problem is, that I can’t influence the view to which the lines are exported. I wish to export them to a different view, but don’t know how to add the “view” node before the lines are created in Revit.
In my original post, I showed the two opens of exporting lines from Dynamo to Revit. Both work fine. The problem is that the left option allows me to set the view to which I export the lines in Revit (but not the line style). The right scheme allows me to set the line style but not the view. I need a combination of both.
The solution is to set the Line Style parameter value after the creation of the line: simply plug the Element.SetParameterByName node after DetailLine.FromCurve
Thank you @Yna_Db
It won’t work for me. Even if I simply plug in a line… (update: I took out the Z coordinate of the points to make sure the line is on the level I chose, but it still shows the same error. It creates the line but in the default setting of “Thin Line”)
It must be a bug.
I tried everything… from a new project file, new family file. With Detaillines and Modellines it just won’t work.
I can’t believe how difficult it is to create a line in another view with a specific line style.
Did anyone encounter the same problem before?