Export UniqueId without store it in a Parameter?


how can I export my uniqueId without store it in a Parameter. I need it as uniqueId reference in Solibri, Navisworks or ZOOM. With the IfcGUID i have trouble, it is editable string. RevitId seems to be also not sure. we have a lot of models.
Is the UniqueRevitId a hidden buildin Parameter? can i expose it any way? so i can export it with an Ifc?

or can i store a “string value” as a “reporting” Parameter?



Write to CSV would work.

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can i match this with the IFC export? or is it the best storing the value in a Parameter?

my intention to avoid that somebody maintains a Parameter.

Is it possible to “lock” the Parameter?



I’m not sure what the end goal is here? Is it to track items between different sotware in different data formats? Both UniqueID and IFCGuid may not be as stable as you think they should be. (But still very stable.)
See the involved discussion @ The Building Coder
The Building Coder

Can you lock a parameter? Not really such that a user can’t intentionally get at it through family editing. What you can do is make it hidden. It will still store the value, but the end user doesn’t know it is there. Of course the issue is that your app needs to constantly make sure these are correct and up-to-date. I suppose through an export event trigger/save/print from the sound of it.

As you can see, the UniqueID isn’t a parameter - just a property on all elements within Revit. It is in effect locked and managed by Revit.

Assuming this is still an active topic…

Dynamo isn’t really capable of writing and locking to a field or automatically updating. This app might be helpful though…


Thats funny @GavinCrump

i installed a testversion today. We will rollout the plugin in our office…

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Just gonna leave this here…:wink:


Yep pretty necessary for worksharing. Thanks!

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