Export to multiple (different) cells in Excel

I want to export sheet data to an excel file. But the function Data.ExportToExcel writes a zero-length string to a cell when no data is exported. For Example:
Here I import a list on row 5: [“A long string”, “”, Data, Data]
But I also want to import the Name and date at the top in column 2.

The problem is that after dynamo writes the data, Excel will translate “” to a zero-Length value.
Now the long string is not readeble because it gets overwrited.
Does some one have a sollution to this? Changing the tamplate is not a option.

offhand I have two.

I believe the OpenXML nodes for excel interoperability support exporting to a particular starting cell. So you can use the function a few times and not overwrite the previous data.

You could also write out to a new sheet and read the data into the correct location by referencing the data in the new sheet.