Is it possible to export all point groups at once in separate text files via Dynamo?
Suresh C
Is it possible to export all point groups at once in separate text files via Dynamo?
Suresh C
Sure, what have you tried so far
So far I have prepared the points group in Civil 3D and want to export these point groups in a text file via Dynamo.
Need help on how to export, I see point groups in Dynamo. However how to select and further export them.
Hola amigo @Suresh_Chotrani buenas.
you have to split your list and make them correspond to each file, i let you an image of the proces
To avoid use to many nodes, you may be use levels but Levels is the path to the dark side.
Drawing1_pointgroup.dwg (928.4 KB)
Review the Civil 3D file, this contains two point groups which I need to export in separate text files.
First, start with investigate how you want the CoGo points to be represented in the exported file.
Then, try to find out how to get the points from one of the point groups.
When that is done there is nodes for export to excel.
This forum is great but first you need to try a little by your self.
If you already have a .dyn file, please upload it for review as well
Amigo @Suresh_Chotrani buenas. Iām agree whit @patrick.ericson Try to do it yourself and show us your progress and if necessary contact us for help, good luck!