Export from revit to Revit add-in (or python app)

Hi guys,

Is it possible to use Dynamo to extract properties from revit and send them to a Revit add-in or to another program? (as we do it with Excel)

Kind regards,

Hi Daniel,
That would depend on there being a way to communicate with the add-in or other program.
So with Excel, there are several ways, like this one: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/302084/how-to-automate-microsoft-excel-from-microsoft-visual-c--net.
But not all programs have access like this.

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I appreciate your quick response.

I will ask you more question hoping that I will express well what I think. :slight_smile:
Is it possible to create a Python application(or maybe an add-in-in stead of Excel) used in Revit and controlled by Dynamo? I know you can build add-ins for Revit but not thru Dynamo. The point is that I want to eliminate Excel from all my processes. :slight_smile:

You want to rebuild the UI for excel using a Revit add in, and then use Dynamo to drive that software?

You basically want to edit a CSV in both Revit add in and Dynamo? Sure you could if you can write the add in. Not sure why you would want to though.

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I probably need to read more on this subject. I will return with a proper question when I will feel that I am speaking your language. :slight_smile:

Thanks Jacob and David!