Error to Convert non-Convertible when running but the graph works?

I am pulling a list of sheets by name to change their Sheet Number. The graph works but says, “Run completed with warnings.” I do not want to put this out for company use like this.
I am in Revit 2021.

Can you expand the data previews for all nodes leading directly into the node with a warning, and the warning node itself.

How about a watch node for each?


Are there any null results in the node? Can’t see all 551 results in the screenshot.

Hello, have you tried plugging your IN[0] to the incoming elements


After scrolling through the watch nodes, I do not find any null nodes.

@Christian.stan I am not sure what you mean. Still new to Dynamo.


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I could just hug you right now. That gets the error out so I can release it to the team.