Error in Revit 2023: unsupported operand types

Hi everyone,
Can anyone explain me why I’m getting for the section of my code below, the following error in python Cpython3 engine under REVIT 2023?

My code works perfectly in ironpython 2 under REVIT 2022 !!?

# get rotated curves
circ_count = int(math.ceil(v_path.Length /H_s))

out_cir_curvs = []
for i in range(0, circ_count):
    temp = []
    for j in out_cir_crv:
        #e0 = 0.05/0.3048
        e= i * H_s
        circ_offset = Transform.CreateTranslation(out_V_crv.Direction.Normalize()*e)
        j = j.CreateTransformed(circ_offset)
        e1 = v_path.Length - e
        if e1 >= H_s:


Looks like the variable H_s is a Revit XYZ object though I cannot confirm as it is t defined in what you have shown. The actual error is at line 60, not 61, if that is correct.

Iron Python 2 allowed use of operators directly, but CPython does not (nor do I think Iron Python 3 does either). The list of these operators is here: XYZ Members

As such you will have to use the multiply method directly, which can be seen here: Multiply Method

Something like e = H_s.Multiply(i) should work out well enough.

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It’s a Pythonnet 2.5.x bug (unsupport .Net operators), need to use Methods instead

Ironpython2, Ironpython3 and PythonNet3 do not have this problem


Try circ_offset = Transform.CreateTranslation(out_V_crv.Direction.Normalize().Multiply(e))
Normailize returns an XYZ so as Jacob mentioned you can use the Multiply method

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This hasn’t been my experience; or rather even worse the operators don’t work as you’d expect (multiplying by the wrong value), but glad to hear you’ve gotten it working. :slight_smile:

Thanks @jacob.small @c.poupin @Mike.Buttery for your replys

I used the same code that Mike did and it works now

I got the same error later related to vectors substraction in this part of the code and I made the correction as indicated below and it works.

h_vect = (h_line.GetEndPoint(1).Subtract(h_line.GetEndPoint(0))).Normalize()

Thanks for All.

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so far I haven’t encountered any problems



So If I use IronPython 3, my original code works properly?

How can I use IronPython 3 under Revit 2023 or you suggest me to keep Cpython 3 ? …I dont know what’s the diference between them and which of them is suitable for me!!


@REDO10 CPython3 or IronPython3 there will necessarily be updates to be made

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