has anyone encountered this before? i only seem to have this problem with installing meshtoolkit.
i got several errors while importing meshes so i tried to reinstall the package but helas, no luck.
has anyone encountered this before? i only seem to have this problem with installing meshtoolkit.
i got several errors while importing meshes so i tried to reinstall the package but helas, no luck.
Which Dynamo version are you in?
Based on the Package Description, are you in Dynamo 2.17, 2.18 or 2.19? Those are compatible with MeshToolkit v4.0
revit 2024 Dynamo 2.19
revit 2022 and 2025, so toolkit 3.0 and 5.0 have no issues.
@l.dorrestijn looks like you are installing packages to a temp folder location on your Local path? You could be running into base Windows security protocols. Could you try installing the package to:
C:\Users\Lennart\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.19
that’s where the packages are installed. after this message the package is found in the package folder only it won’t show up in dynamo
The package path I supplied above is the expected path that Dynamo users (But you can have Dynamo Core
instead of Dynamo Revit
and other versions).
Did you specifically want to download to your temp file (C:\Users\Lennart\AppData\Local\Temp)? Or is that not intentional?
It’s not intentional, I never changed anything on the settings for package locations.
Got it! Then somehow this has changed And I suspect it’s using base Windows permission issues around Security that are causing issues.
Can you please go to Preferences → Package Settings → New Package Download Path:
and then change it to:
C:\Users\Lennart\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.19
This path will change depending on what version of Dynamo you are using, and what host application you are accessing it from - i.e. Revit, Civil 3D or Alias.
that path is already there. i think it is an internal issue, all my collegues have the same issue.
thanks for your help but i think i will have to ask the IT department what has changed. i have full acces to the folders but maybe they did something sneaky, like not allowing installation/modification from the temp folder.
the strange thing is that the package is installed, i just can not see it in the library browser
Any chance your system can see a prior, incompatible version of mesh toolkit? If you try loading both and one fails dynamo give you neither in some cases.
I got it back to run again, the BIN folder was missing some stuff. I copied the missing .dll files from the temp folder in the package folder in Roaming. only now I am back to where the issue started, not nbeing able to load any meshes. I got the following error message, same as my colleagues monday stuff workes theusday suddenly nothing. and the only thing updated Autodesk related was some identity manager update.
I tested it with multiple files, all give this same message.
You shouldn’t have to install by copying parts and pieces. This is likely the root cause.
Time to remove all things mesh toolkit from your system and any remote locations you are loading from and then start with a new download to just your local system via the in product package manager.
it was allready giving this error message before i uninstalled the package and tried to reinstall it.
i just tried to install Meshtoolkit on a clean PC with no Dynamo packages and only Dynamo 2.18 installed. it gave the same error.
Which version did you install on the clean PC?
Please post the Dynamo log, and a screenshot of the package directory contents from this system so I can have a look.
dynamoLog_ea6a2dd8-168d-48c0-ac42-20a93a37493b.txt (35.5 KB)
dynamoLog_24738671-da2e-470f-8434-3d3c929ee376.txt (872.7 KB)
BIN folder
the other folders are empty
What does the folder above that contain? That is what other packages is your Dynamo instance loading in?