I am trying to copy existing RebarContainers to new elements and after “exploding” the RebarContainer into Rebars, but I am getting an internal error if I try to get the RebarContainerItem hook types and use them to create the new Rebars. If I give hookTypes a value of None all works well.
Please take a look at my code and let me know if you have any ideas what I am doing wrong.
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Please post the code as preformatted text as well
And you should at least add a on ‘‘else’’ statement to the end of your ‘‘if’’
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Hope this is better.
rebars = []
# Start transaction
for containerItem in container:
rebarStyle = doc.GetElement(containerItem.RebarShapeId).RebarStyle
barType = doc.GetElement(containerItem.BarTypeId)
hookTypeStart = doc.GetElement(containerItem.GetHookTypeId(0))
hookTypeEnd = None #doc.GetElement(containerItem.GetHookTypeId(1))
element = doc.GetElement(container.GetHostId())
origin = doc.GetElement(container.GetHostId()).Location.Point
curves = containerItem.GetCenterlineCurves(True, True, True)
hookOrientationStart = containerItem.GetHookOrientation(0)
hookOrientationEnd = containerItem.GetHookOrientation(1)
rebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurves(doc, rebarStyle, barType, hookTypeStart, hookTypeEnd, element, origin, curves, hookOrientationStart, hookOrientationEnd, True, True)
if containerItem.LayoutRule == RebarLayoutRule.FixedNumber:
rebar.GetShapeDrivenAccessor().SetLayoutAsFixedNumber(containerItem.NumberOfBarPositions, containerItem.ArrayLength, containerItem.BarsOnNormalSide, containerItem.IncludeFirstBar, containerItem.IncludeLastBar)
elif containerItem.LayoutRule == RebarLayoutRule.MaximumSpacing:
rebar.GetShapeDrivenAccessor().SetLayoutAsFixedNumber(containerItem.MaxSpacing, containerItem.ArrayLength, containerItem.BarsOnNormalSide, containerItem.IncludeFirstBar, containerItem.IncludeLastBar)
elif containerItem.LayoutRule == RebarLayoutRule.NumberWithSpacing:
rebar.GetShapeDrivenAccessor().SetLayoutAsMinimumClearSpacing(containerItem.MaxSpacing, containerItem.ArrayLength, containerItem.BarsOnNormalSide, containerItem.IncludeFirstBar, containerItem.IncludeLastBar)
elif containerItem.LayoutRule == RebarLayoutRule.MinimumClearSpacing:
rebar.GetShapeDrivenAccessor().SetLayoutAsNumberWithSpacing(containerItem.NumberOfBarPositions, containerItem.MaxSpacing, containerItem.BarsOnNormalSide, containerItem.IncludeFirstBar, containerItem.IncludeLastBar)
# container.ClearItems()
# End transaction
# Assign your output to the OUT variable.
OUT = rebars",
I tried a new approach and now it works fine. I used the CreateFromCurvesAndShape() method instead of CreateFromCurves() to create the rebar, and ComputeDrivingCurves() method to get the curve of each Rebar.
Still if someone figures out why the first version did not work or if you have suggestions how to improve this script I am open to any advice.
# Enable Python support and load DesignScript library
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
# Import ToDSType(bool) extension method
import Revit
# Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
# Import RevitAPI
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure import Rebar, RebarContainerType, RebarContainer, RebarShape, RebarBarType, RebarHookType, RebarLayoutRule
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import LocationPoint, XYZ, FilteredElementCollector, ElementFilter
# The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
container = UnwrapElement(IN[0])
# Place your code below this line
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
# List of Rebars
rebars = []
# List of errors
errors = []
# Start transaction
for containerItem in container:
# Get the RebarShape of the current containerItem
rebarShape = doc.GetElement(containerItem.RebarShapeId)
# Get the RebarBarType of the current containerItem
barType = doc.GetElement(containerItem.BarTypeId)
# Get the RebarHookType at the start of the current containerItem
hookTypeStart = None;
if containerItem.GetHookTypeId(0).IntegerValue > 0:
hookTypeStart = doc.GetElement(containerItem.GetHookTypeId(0))
# Get the RebarHookType at the end of the current containerItem
hookTypeEnd = None;
if containerItem.GetHookTypeId(0).IntegerValue > 0:
hookTypeEnd = doc.GetElement(containerItem.GetHookTypeId(1))
# Get the host of the RebarContainer
element = doc.GetElement(container.GetHostId())
# Get the Normal of the containerItem
norm = containerItem.Normal
# Get the curves of the current
curves = containerItem.ComputeDrivingCurves()
# Get the HookOrientation at the start of the containerItem
hookOrientationStart = containerItem.GetHookOrientation(0)
# Get the HookOrientation at the end of the containerItem
hookOrientationEnd = containerItem.GetHookOrientation(1)
# Try to create the Rebar
# Create Rebar using CreateFromCurvesAndShape method
rebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurvesAndShape(doc, rebarShape, barType, hookTypeStart, hookTypeEnd, element, norm, curves, hookOrientationStart, hookOrientationEnd)
# Check what is the LayoutRule of the current containerItem
if containerItem.LayoutRule == RebarLayoutRule.FixedNumber:
# Set the layout of the Rebar as fixed number
rebar.GetShapeDrivenAccessor().SetLayoutAsFixedNumber(containerItem.NumberOfBarPositions, containerItem.ArrayLength, containerItem.BarsOnNormalSide, containerItem.IncludeFirstBar, containerItem.IncludeLastBar)
elif containerItem.LayoutRule == RebarLayoutRule.MaximumSpacing:
# Set the layout of the Rebar as maximum spacing
rebar.GetShapeDrivenAccessor().SetLayoutAsMaximumSpacing(containerItem.MaxSpacing, containerItem.ArrayLength, containerItem.BarsOnNormalSide, containerItem.IncludeFirstBar, containerItem.IncludeLastBar)
elif containerItem.LayoutRule == RebarLayoutRule.NumberWithSpacing:
# Set the layout of the Rebar as number with spacing
rebar.GetShapeDrivenAccessor().SetLayoutAsNumberWithSpacing(containerItem.NumberOfBarPositions, containerItem.MaxSpacing, containerItem.BarsOnNormalSide, containerItem.IncludeFirstBar, containerItem.IncludeLastBar)
elif containerItem.LayoutRule == RebarLayoutRule.MinimumClearSpacing:
# Set the layout of the Rebar as minimum clear spacing
rebar.GetShapeDrivenAccessor().SetLayoutAsMinimumClearSpacing(containerItem.MaxSpacing, containerItem.ArrayLength, containerItem.BarsOnNormalSide, containerItem.IncludeFirstBar, containerItem.IncludeLastBar)
# If no LayoutRule do nothing
# Add the new Rebar to the rebars list
# Catch error if unable to create the Rebar
except Exception as inst:
# Add error to the errors list
# End transaction
# Output list containing a sublist of Rebars and a sublist of errors
output = []
# Assign your output to the OUT variable.
OUT = output