Erorr CivilConnection

I am trying connection to civil3d but erorr. I dont’ know what the error is? . You can help me.
I am using Civil3d 2023 and Revit 2023.
Thank you!!!

It just works With Civil 3D 2022
According to the package name

You can use BriMohareb_2023 package it has conection with civil3d 23. Or you can download Civilconnection 23 fron gethup

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what this is error ?

Hi @khang.civil.2000
Dynamo cannot load two packages access to the same API as i known (@solamour @jacob.small any advice abut that to use two packages access to the same API.) . If you use Civilconnection package you need to remove it thats it access to civil 3d api and BriMohareb_23 access to the same api.

My guess is you’d want to load the DLL as an alias, but best to start a new thread as this one has a solution already and this topic is unique enough and useful enough that it’d be good to have it broken out. :slight_smile: