ELK Dynamo script in Revit

The product of running the attached ELK script in Dynamo are masses of buildings. But when I close the Dynamo, the masses disappear. Is there a way to bake it into Revit like we do in Grasshopper? And can I transfer these masses to walls? I have tried applying walls on the masses, but it doesn’t work.

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Dynamo Geometry doesn’t commit directly to Revit as there is no such thing as native geometry, only elements which have geometric properties (geometry is second level data in Revit).

Look into mass creation, family type creation (make a family instance thereof afterwards), or direct shape creation nodes (anything which is a constructor has a green + next to it in your library, so find the relevant element t category I. The Revit section of your library and you should have a direction to go from there).

The script includes a mass which shows on Revit. I try from there picking the mass faces to put walls, but it does not pick the mass faces at all.

Can I change the family to walls instead of mass? But that I have tried, but it does not work.