Hi, i’m having a problem with reliably creating elevation views with correct crops in rooms.
From my brief research on already resolved subjects on forum none really do touch on that topic, and mostly are from 2016/17 versions.
Now that nodes for ElevationMarker.ByViewTypeLocation and ElevationMarker.CreateElevationByMarkerIndex are OOTB it all should work smoothly, but of course it doesn’t.
Views are correctly placed in their locations, but weirdly 2 of 4 created ElevationViews are cropped way off both in Z axis and XY axis as seen below on images
also here seen in ViewPlan that it weirdly cropped completely outside room thats next to it. (all elements have room bounding on)
I’m getting same results with the old 2016 method which involved rotating around a line in Z axis as seen here
Am I doing something wrong?
Next I started to try and look for ways to crop an ElevationView to a boundingbox of a Room.
This is a complete mess, as using OOTB View.SetCropBox which uses boundingboxes doesn’t work because boundingbox of an elevation view is completely somewhere else in the coordination system, so this method seems to be working only for floorplans as seen below
Next path I tried to take was using another sweet OOTB node SectionView.ByBoundingBox but to my amusement all it produced when fed with boundingbox of a room is… a floorplan. So it produces a section view that is parallel to a revit Level If you ever thought how to make revit Section into a Floorplan now you know.
Next way i’m thinking of is to take bottom surface of a room bounding box, create two lines intersecting in the middle and somehow proceed with SectionView.ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint to create sections as elevations views…
So now I’m lost, did anyone here had such a problem and could help out commanding these ElevationViews?