Elevation marker or View plane origin

Hi is there a node that shows the origin points of the elevation marker?

I’m trying to write a script that determines if an elevation is within a room

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I’m asking if there is a node that returns the origin/coordinates of an elevation marker… I rephrased the post into a question… sorry if I wasn’t clear enough. my apologies.

I’m trying to write a script that determines if an elevation marker is within a room’s boundary… so I’m wondering if there is a node out there that returns the elevations marker’s origin points (maybe through someone’s recollection)?

Right now I’m using the elevation marker’s associated views to get the view plane geometry and center points, then using those to determine whether or not the view plane’s center point is within the rooms boundary. I use this inform to then cull my lists and correctly pair up the elevations markers to the rooms they’re situated in. This would tell me if an elevation marker is within a room… BUT - i’d rather work with the elevation mark element information instead of the views because it’s a lot of extra unneeded data.

My background is in architecture, not computer science. again, my apologies.

Have you tried a Location or geometry node? An elevation marker should have a location (maybe a view plane) that you might be able to get from the default nodes or the API. If not, you could try to get any geometry and use a bounding box to get the general location of that geometry.

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Element.BoundingBox might also work. :slight_smile:


Thanks, for some reason I couldn’t get it to work with the regular node… but using the Elements.BoundingBox with the view input (set from current active view) did the trick.

Thanks you two.