Element Intersection using Bimorph nodes

Hi guys,
I’m having an issue with the result node of Element Intersection by Bimorph. As shown in the image, I have selected three conduits from one rack and three unistruts. While two of the unistruts intersect with the conduits, the third one doesn’t, yet it still appears in the intersection result. How can I resolve this? The result node should only show the Unistrut Rack elements.

Thanks for the help!!

Are your elements from links? If so then you need to use Bimorph LinkElements, however you would actually see an exception if the nodes that support LinkElements, like the intersection nodes, find linked elements that are not of the type LinkElement.

Share a minimal reproducible sample of your model and graph.

Hi Thomas, thanks for your reply.
No, they’re not from links

Share you files.

@Thomas_Mahon It could also be that some categories don’t appear to work with the Element Intersection nodes, such as Meshes.

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@solamour good point. @carsosAHL8V you can check this using the Bimoprh Element.IsSupported or use the IsSupported query node from the intersection result.

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The script takes all selected elements, filters out conduits and unistruts, verifies the intersection between those 2 sets of elements, and applies conduit parameters to the corresponding unistruts. It currently works well if the conduits and their corresponding unistruts are selected together. However, if unistruts from a different rack are selected instead, the parameters will be applied to those unistruts instead.