
i am trying to get the Linked element that i hosted my fixtures on it , but this node bring for me the Whole link , is there not any way to get only the element

Hello @Mariam.EmadLHT4U try element host from genius loci and see if it could work

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I’ve used the brilliant bimorph nodes package when dealing with linked elements, I definitely recommend checking it out.

unfortunately, it didn’t work

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Guess its becaorse you have a null in your list try clean it up, you can use list clean from genius loci as well

I have cleaned my list by removing the Electrical fixtures that are not hosted so that i don’t get null but the same result

hmmm allright try set element host node to lacing longest…

Set Element Host exist in which package and what’s the purpose of it ?

i have searched in it but i can’t find such a node that do this function

set element host ?? if you mean element host , that node i show is from genius loci package and give the linked host as element not revitlinkinstance

aha , i got it , but still the same result even by changed it to longest

hmm then we have to see your whole list structure but will think its about lacing and list level…does it work if you flatten your list before feed into element host node…
btw which version are you in ?

you are right, it’s because of the list structure, thank you

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I didn’t use this to find the host as such, instead I have to get the geometry of the relevant linked elements, and the geometry of all the wall in my model, and get the intersecting elements.
Quite the workaround!