Edit profile of wall in Dynamo

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to edit a wall profile using Dynamo? I have some intersecting geometries which’ outline I would like to ‘project’ within the walls’ ‘edit profile’ command in order to cut openings in the wall(s)

Thanks in advance.

I had a look at using Revit API to create walls from profile before. It was just a quick proof of concept type pf work, but it is possible. Here’s a snippet of code that I put together for it:

try: errorReport = None walls = [] # check list depth # if list has sublists then process as such # check for PolyCurve class # if input is PolyCurve then implement conversion rvtCurves = Flatten(ProcessList(toRvtType, dsCurves)) profile = List[Autodesk.Revit.DB.Curve]() for i in rvtCurves: profile.Add(i) wallTypeId = wallType.Id levelId = level.Id try: walls.append(Wall.Create(doc, profile, structural)) #walls.append(Wall.Create(doc, profile, ElementId(wallTypeId), ElementId(levelId), structural)) except: pass except: # if error accurs anywhere in the process catch it import traceback errorReport = traceback.format_exc()

Now the rest of methods that actually do the work are in the attached file so have a look. I understand that its not exactly what you were looking for but might be a good place to start and learn.
Basically the answer is, yes, it is possible to edit wall’s profile (tricky) or even make a new wall from profile (less tricky), but API doesn’t make it too easy.

Gdrive link: Download

Good luck!


Thank you Konrad for your suggestion. Unfortunately I think this is too complex for my understanding. I am not much of a coder :(. I work with the great nodes created by people like you to the best of my abilities. Most times this suffices for what I want to accomplish. From your reply to me I understand that it is not possible to edit wall profiles with currently existing nodes in Dynamo. Hopefully in the future someone will be able to fill that void! :slight_smile:

When I looked at this last the Revit API only allows you to create a new wall by profile, not edit an existing wall’s profile (sketch). I believe fundamentally the Revit API does not let you control existing sketches.

You might want to check out this discussion too:

(the new search is awesome)

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try to get the intersect curve from element and wall. covert these curve into model line in revit. Then in wall profile editor mode, copy paste these model lines.

I just use this wall to create pattern on the wall.
hope it works for you.