Edit Extrusion profile of Family

Im trying to edit the Extrusion profile of a family. Is there any node or package which can edit the extrusion profile of families

Im trying to automate the task of creation of multiple families of different shapes with different extrusion Thicknesses. (and with specific family template)
(create duplicate family → open it and edit extrusion profile → save and load into project → set extrusion thickness as per CAD input data)

R22-Footing.rfa (632 KB)
sample7.dwg (63.4 KB)
POLYCURVE - CAD to Revit.dyn (173.4 KB)

Please post to File Revit and Autocad and I will help you

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sample file added

Here you go! Please visit my Github
There are some notes:

  • Be careful with excess curves (even though it’s very small) which will cause errors
  • It is best to use the command “Flatten” in Autocad or “Pu”


Please share Graph image here

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@leanhtien.hutech, thank you for your help. I just saw your logic, but it’s not what I’m looking for.

I have already shown this logic to my BIM team, but our requirement is that we should be able to edit the thickness (parameter values) if the thickness changes in the next revision.

That’s why I mentioned the following steps above:
(create duplicate family → open it and edit extrusion profile → save and load into project → set extrusion thickness as per CAD input data)
Eg. - R22-Footing.rfa (400 KB)